
Are you ready to join

HaShem’s People through Judaism?

Our comprehensive program is designed to guide you through the process, providing a supportive and inclusive environment for spiritual growth and exploration.

“Our Rabbis taught: One who comes to convert at this time, they say to him: ‘Why did you come to convert? Do you know that Israel at this time is afflicted, oppressed, downtrodden, and rejected, and that tribulations are visited upon them?’ If he says, ‘I know, but I am unworthy,’ they accept him immediately…”

– Babylonian Talmud, Yebamot 47a

Why and how does our orthodox conversion move so fast?

We comply with Chazal’s ancient rulings on conversion which is actually very “open door”. We are laser focused on idolatry (avodah zara) and embracing the historical People of Israel (the Jewish People) as one’s own people, as the “main filter” on who may proceed. This complies with all of the ancient law codes followed today. Most geruth options can take several years to complete which we feel does not follow the instructions of the sages. However we understand that there may be a lot to deconstruct which will take time.

Because of this, our focus is to teach and test you on items that are “not negotiable”. You will see the Torah’s position clearly and once we have confirmed your complete understanding of avodah zara and very minimal basics, we will facilitate your geruth and you are considered “Jewish”.

Beith Din and Mikvah: Participate in the formal conversion ceremony, including the Beith Din (rabbinical court) and Mikvah (ritual immersion) processes.

At that point, you will continue learning with the Mishnah Walk. We will have a number of courses that will be required to complete, but your geruth will not be held ransom from you. There is so much to learn and master but you can work at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Once geruth has been completed, we will move onto highly relevant areas of study including Jewish Ethics, Kashrut, Basic Hebrew Prayers, Annual Holiday Observance etc. Other optional studies will be available including advanced Hebrew…

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!


Online Courses

Always ready courses are recorded and awaiting for “your” schedule to complete. Start today!


Group Meetings

Join regularly scheduled zoom meetings for non-course related study with other students. Topics include Mishnah Torah, Hebrew,


One on One Mentorship


Contact Us

Here is how you can contact us for any questions or concerns.

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