The Story of Purim & History: Who was Mordechai? With Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


We greatly appreciate and respect Rabbi David Bar-Hayim/Machon Shilo and benefit immensely from their holy work. By sharing their content, we aim to promote Torah values, inspire Jewish growth, and foster a sense of community. Please note that sharing this content does not imply endorsement or affiliation. We do not represent Rabbi David Bar-Hayim/Machon Shilo, nor do they represent us. The opinions expressed in the shared content are those of the original author(s). MW may not share all their opinions in all their details. MW shares their reverent respect for the words of Haz”al, the Hebrew Bible, and the immutable nature of the Torah Covenant between God and the Jewish People.

As Maimonides famously taught in his introduction to the “Thirteen Principles”, it is our duty to love and accept as a fellow member of the Covenant all who share these fundamentals, regardless of disputes over details. God be magnified in the love between us, and our love magnified in the freedom, respect, and value for different voices. “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity.”

Heather Hicks
Author: Heather Hicks

Wife and Homeschooling Momma who loves Hashem. Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱

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